
10100 Jamison Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116Contact:  Sue Aistrop, 215-698-7300 x110, saistrop@kleinlife.org

“Serving Up Meals, Driving Out Hunger!”

The KleinLife’s Home Delivered Meals Program serves seniors who are unable to shop and/or prepare their own meals, so no senior goes hungry. Volunteers support the program by providing a friendly visit, preparing for deliveries, and help to cook meals.  This is done in partnership with the Cook For a Friend network in the Philadelphia region.

For your mitzvah or teen community service project, KleinLife is in need of:

  1.  Food sorters and packers: Pick a day when your school has in-service, or on a Federal Holiday and contact Sue Aistrop to coordinate times.
  2.  Breakfast bags: Collect items which go into breakfast bags from your friends and family. Pack the bags for distribution with food deliveries.
  3.  Deliveries: Ask a parent/guardian to help you deliver food packages to those in need.