When is Mitzvah Day?

Mitzvah Day is an annual day of faith-based social action that takes place in November each year. On Mitzvah Day each year, community groups and individuals undertake a range of volunteer projects for those in need in their local community.
Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and families to get involved and make a difference in our community.
However, if you search around on the internet, you will find that mitzvah day falls on various dates throughout the U.S. and world.
Some synagogues celebrate mitzvah day with a mitzvah fair, inviting representatives from organizations to showcase their cause.  These usually occur sometime in November, 2016.
Others have mitzvah day on December 25th as there are probably open volunteer needs for homeless shelters and soup kitchens around the Christmas holiday.
There is a National Mitzvah Day in April as well.

We’d love to hear ideas from you about mitzvah days.
Tell us all about your community’s mitzvah day!  Email us at info@themitzvahbowl.com