Medic Mobile
220 Halleck St. Suite 210 San Francisco, California 94129
Contact:  Katie Kelley, Director of Communications, (415) 746-9758

Medic Mobile’s mission is to improve health in hard-to-reach communities. One BILLION people will never see a doctor in their lives and will never receive essential health services.  Our mobile and web tools help community health workers, clinics, and families communicate so that more people receive quality healthcare. We are focused on identifying and addressing the highest impact opportunities to use mobile tools, currently: antenatal and postnatal care, childhood immunizations, stock monitoring for essential medicines, and disease surveillance.

For your mitzvah project, collect used phones to fund health programs in Africa and Asia. Many materials in cell phones can be recycled and resold for money. Raise funds for Medic Mobile by running a phone collection drive!  The more phones collected, the more materials recycled, the more $$ raised to benefit health programs in need.

Stuff You Need
Box(es) for collection
This form to get a free shipping label
Printer to print label
Flyers to promote your drive

Time and Place
A ton of people get new phones over the holidays (lucky them!), so organize a drive for January. Your drive should last for at least two weeks.

Ask local cell-phone or tech-store employees to plug your drive. To help them spread the word, bring them flyers to hang and tell ’em all the cause details.

Hang up flyers that tell people that the phone(s) they’re replacing this holiday could be someone’s lifeline! Those old cracked phones are just gathering dust anyway.