Tag Archives: begin mitzvah project

Upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

Upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah?  It’s Time!    With the mitzvah season starting in September, throngs of seventh graders begin attending their friends’ b’nai mitzvahs. This is also the perfect time for parents and 2013/2014 bar/bat mitzvah students to start their mitzvah project!   Once school is in session, any free time will diminish quickly. That is why during the month of August, when kids come home from camp and school books are still shut tight (except for that dreaded summer reading project), is the prime time to begin a mitzvah project. The latter part of the summer can be the most fulfilling […]


Mitzvah Project Timeline 101

Frequently, The Mitzvah Bowl website receives the same inquiry asking “How far in advance should my son (or daughter) begin working on their mitzvah project?” We turned to local rabbis for their professional advice to validate what we thought was an appropriate timeframe.  The consensus among the clergy is that a student should initiate their project at least six months prior to their simcha. Rabbi Cynthia Kravitz of Kesher Israel Congregation, West Chester, PA agrees, “Our students begin their 20 hour Tikkun Olam/Social Action Project in the year prior to their becoming a bar/ bat mitzvah.” Rabbi Eliot Holin, Kol […]