Tag Archives: Isang and Khurutshe Primary Schools in Botswana

Three Times is a Charm

Bar Mitzvah Lucas Popp (13) of Palo Alto, CA tripled his goal of starting a library in Africa by starting three!  He collected, sorted, packed and mailed nearly 3,000 books  to start libraries at Mabele, Isang and Khurutshe Primary Schools in Botswana through the African Library Project.  Lucas collected 1,000 gently used children’s books and raised about $500 to cover the shipping costs to help start each library. Chris Bradshaw Founder/President African Library Project www.africanlibraryproject.org tel/ 1.650.851.3640Facebook: www.facebook.com/africanlibraryproject 984 Libraries, 1,074,000 Books!