One Warm Coat

One Warm Coat

2443 Fillmore St, #380-5363 San Francisco, California 94115-1814, (877) 663-9276

Contact: Carolyn Hawk,

One Warm Coat’s mission is simple: One Warm Coat’s mission is to provide free coats to children and adults in need while promoting volunteerism and environmental sustainability.

Partner with One Warm Coat to hold a coat drive or to donate your gently used coats to an on-going coat drive. Holding a coat drive is a fun, engaging (and free) way for students of all ages to make a real difference in their communities. Coat drives can be easily adapted to allow for social distancing, or even completely virtual.

One Warm Coat provides the tools and resources needed to hold a successful coat drive in six simple steps, including an interactive map of local nonprofit organizations in every state that are in need of coats. You can learn more by visiting our website