Author Archives: Cheryl

SNAP 10 Stoneybrook Way Morristown, New Jersey 07960 Contact:  Dr Alexandra Certner, (973) 538-7223, Special Needs Athletic Programs (SNAP, Inc.) is a non-profit organization created to inspire youth to work together through athletics, peer mentoring activities, and educational programs. SNAP’s goals are to ultimately raise awareness about the impact students can make in the lives of children with autism and other disabilities. Over the years it became apparent to families with special needs children and autism that the traditional methods of inclusion have not met the needs of these children, and it was with this in mind that our organization was […]


5 Simple Ways to Ease Mitzvah Planning Stress

Most parents are immediately filled with excitement when they receive their child’s bar or bat mitzvah date.  Typically this happens 2-3 years in advance of the actual date.  What seems to transpire next can overwhelm even the most-experienced event/party planning parent.   If your child’s bar/bat mitzvah date is within a 2-year time frame, these tips will help ease your angst. Here are 5 fabulous resources to use when starting the planning phases of your child’s mitzvah: 1.  Mitzvah Planning Advice Online. Both and the Facebook page for South Florida Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah Planning Group are ideal sources.  Even though  Mitzvah Market […]


When is Mitzvah Day?

Mitzvah Day is an annual day of faith-based social action that takes place in November each year. On Mitzvah Day each year, community groups and individuals undertake a range of volunteer projects for those in need in their local community. Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and families to get involved and make a difference in our community. However, if you search around on the internet, you will find that mitzvah day falls on various dates throughout the U.S. and world. Some synagogues celebrate mitzvah day with a mitzvah fair, inviting representatives from organizations to showcase their cause.  These usually occur sometime in November, […]


Share your Stories

There are hundreds of organizations listed on Many of you have had the honor to support one or several of our valued non-profits offering teen mitzvah project opportunities. We encourage you to share your stories with us. Send us a 3-4 paragraph description of your child’s mitzvah project with 2-3 high resolution photos and we may feature it on our blog. Email the information to us at, including the following: (parents only) -Your child’s name and last initial -Bar/bat mitzvah date -Description of why he/she chose this mitzvah project -What the mitzvah project entailed -Describe the takeaway from […]


Applause Arts Foundation

Applause Arts Foundation 184 East 76th St.  NYC, New York 10021 Contact:  Kat Radin, Executive Director (212) 717-0703, The Applause Arts Foundation provides rigorous performing arts training, education and exposure to children from underserved communities in New York City who might not otherwise have access to such opportunities. Through our summer programming and partnerships with local schools and organizations, the Applause Arts Foundation provides pre-professional performing arts classes, workshops and camps to students free of charge. Additionally we also provide snacks, class materials, MetroCards and performance tickets so our Young Artists have all the tools required to succeed. We believe that […]

The Mitzvah Bowl

Putting the Mitzvah into Lilly’s Celebration

  Lilly Tanenbaum and her family wanted to focus on the mitzvah and the Jewish tradition aspects of her Bat Mitzvah celebration at Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church, VA, so they worked with their event planner, Brynne Magaziner of Pop Color Events to make it happen. In keeping the focus on the mitzvah itself, Lilly and her parents created centerpieces with a dual purpose, they both looked elegant and were able to be donated after the event to AFAC, the Arlington Food Assistance Center, a local food pantry. Cans also served as the base for balloons in the event’s colors on the kids’ tables. Lilly wrote a […]


Ezer Mizion

Ezer Mizion 5225 New Utrecht Ave Brooklyn, New York 11219 Contact:  Chani Miller, Dir. of Public Relations (718) 853-8400 Help save the lives of cancer patients around the globe. Often a bone marrow transplant is the patient’s last chance to survive. Genetic matching between donor and patient is a must for success. Since genetics is based on ethnics, a Jew will match another Jew. Thus the need for a Jewish registry. Ezer Mizion is the largest Jewish bone marrow registry in the world and has saved over 2000 lives, 296 in 2015 alone. Too many are still waiting in hope and […]


His Experience as an MVP

The Philly Friendship Circle connects teens and young adults to youth with special needs and their families through a full range of social offerings. Inspired by the power of genuine friendship, our youth cultivate understanding, kindness and responsibility while ensuring a caring and inclusive community.The Philly Friendship Circle offers an MVP program.  It is a six-week program for 6th and 7th graders. Through activities, games, and multimedia presentations, MVP participants learn appropriate conduct when volunteering, the importance of giving back to the community, and the impact they can have on others. In addition to the MVP curriculum, participants and their […]


Performing for Pencils

17-year old Jessica Goldberg is a recipient of the Diller Teen Tikkun OlamAward and will receive a $36,000 award to recognize her work for her project Performing for Pencils, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides disadvantaged students with the supplies they need to be successful learners by hosting an annual talent show to build community awareness and raise funds. Now in its tenth year, the Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards have given more than $3 million dollars to 84 Jewish teens who are tackling global issues and creating lasting change through tikkun olam – the vision of Bay Area Philanthropist Helen Diller, the founder of The Helen Diller Family Foundation. As an […]


What a mitzvah project…and she’s 74!

While I’m not in the age bracket of 12-14 years old, I do have a mitzvah that I’m trying to do and need help.  I am 74 years of age and I’m collecting pull-top tabs from soda, beer, soup, vegetables, and pet food cans (any type of tab). There were 6,000,000 Jews murdered during the holocaust and of that number 1,500,000 were children.  I would like to collect 1.5M tabs to have a visual to remember the children at a memorial service. I live in Roanoke, VA, but Roanoke, and surrounding areas, is a small city of 280,000 and we […]